Youthage Culinary Specialist, Inc

NonprofitsEducationEntertainmentFood & Beverage/Catering
Hours vary due to COVID-19
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Headquarters located downtown Mundelein!
About Us
Educate. Inspire. Create. Experience.
Founded in 2016 by Chef Robert Collins, the Youthage Culinary Specialist nonprofit school opened in Mundelein, Illinois. The vision was to provide students of all ages and abilities the opportunity for hands-on training by culinary experts. Creating a unique culinary experience with an emphasis on educating children on nutrition, culinary techniques, and youth and career development. Students have the opportunity to build leadership skills, learn organizational concepts, and begin creating the framework for making healthier lifestyle choices. Today, the Youthage Culinary Specialist provides exceptional curriculums like the:
- Youthage Enrichment Program (YEP), partners with local schools and organizations to provide in-person nutritional culinary classes during and/or after hours.
- Chef’s Culinteer Program (CCP), for experienced local Chef’s to partnership and donates time towards hands-on training creating nutritional meals.
- The Y-Serve Program (YSP), where voluntary time is given back to the betterment of the local communities.
- Youthage Culinary Arts Internship Program (YCAIP), for interns to build their career development by working closely with the Executive Chef to prep dishes and help with kitchen tasks, showcase their skills, and become an ambassador independently conducting a culinary class.

Rep/Contact Info

Chef Robert Collins
- Phone: (847) 865-1010
- Fax: (224) 475-0977
- Send an Email
- 508 North Seymour Avenue Mundelein IL 60060