Employee Connections is a 501 (C) 3 not-for profit employment education and training agency that provides essential employable training programs and services to youth and adults in Lake County, IL.
“To Nurture, educate, and provide opportunities within the community by placing emphasis on rebuilding the family, repairing division, and developing strategies to empower change''
Free and confidential business mentoring, as well as webinars and information provided by the largest organization of business professionals nationwide!
An Art & Music Montessori Academy Preschool in Vernon Hills focused on art and music. A not-for-profit organization.
Providing the community educational workshops and materials, counseling for anyone concerned about their gambling or that of a loved one, and collaborative consultation with local businesses.
YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Printed courtesy of www.lakecountychamber.com/ – Contact the Lake County Chamber of Commerce - IL for more information.
1313 N. Delany Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 – (847) 249-3800 – info@lakecountychamber.com